Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Trivia in the Pub (15)

Trivia in the pub again. Posting these sketches a bit late, but never fear, here they are at last.

It had been a while since I'd sketched any women. Ok, that's a lie, but it was at least a while since I'd sketched women in more seductive poses. It's a good idea to practice these things, that's the only reason I did it, honest.

The next few sketches are fairy-tale inspired. We have witches broomsticks (sans witches), a skull, a creepy Little Red Riding Hood, the mole and Thumbelina getting married, the genie from Aladdin and finally, Mr Hyde.

The next few sketches continue the growing "horror" theme. (Apostrophes because I can only ever do cute tongue-in-cheek horror, apparently).

There's a bell, perhaps in the "The Bell Tolls for thee... ohooohoooooohohoohohoho" sense. A ghost who is totally not the same ghost I drew for the halloween decorations. See, it's poking it's tongue out, that's different. Then there's a vampire who can't see himself in the mirror, a witch, a musketeer (ok, that's not horror at all, sorry) and finally, a quill, which is maybe horror if it draws in blood! Oooohoooohohoohooo.... creepy. Ahem.

And that, my friends, is trivia in the pub.

I have no recollection whatsoever as to what the outcome was, in case you were asking. Which I hope you've learnt not to, by now.

Until next time.

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