Monday, August 2, 2010

New Site

I've decided, for a few reasons, to create my own site rather than use Blogger from now on.

Some of the reasons include having more flexible site design, allowing me to have something that looks a bit more professional and host a lot more of my projects in the one place.

The new site is:

Hope to see you there.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Quick Satyr Sketch

A quick sketch drawn while clearing my head to move onto other things.

I am thinking of putting it, or similar things onto t-shirts. Like so. (Except a shirt that is real and not drawn by me.)

Red-haired Pixie

I thought I'd include some of the steps involved in making this image, since I like it so much.

First, I draw out the rough sketch idea, using a light grey colour. The idea is to simulate pencils, even though I draw directly onto my computer.

The next step is to soldify the lines and then draw over them on a new layer, in black. (The inks).

Finally, colour and shade to taste. Add background and then we're done.

Alas, that's way too quick a summary of a process that takes several hours over several days to complete. Still, I'm considering putting this on a t-shirt (for women, at least). Baby pink and black backgrounds.

Friday, July 2, 2010

A Little Warm Up

Just doing a little warm up before getting cracking on some other projects. Also, I can't quite seem to get in "The Zone" (elusive thing that it is) for some other things I'd like to work on. Oh well, baby steps during art rehab, I guess.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Thursday, June 24, 2010

From the Archives (5)

Copied from the D&D Monster Manual (v. 3) for practice. Was quite a bit of fun.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

From the Archives (4)

Cupid, as a woman, because it's:
A. Less creepy than a little baby "boy" shooting arrows of "love" into people.
B. It's more aesthetically pleasing to me.